Saturday, April 4, 2009


We have now branched out into three smaller groups within our Church. The process wasn’t as painful as I had thought it might be; Everyone seemed to fall into place peacefully. I envisioned our Father being right there conducting our placements as He wanted it. What an exciting opportunity of faith this is for all of us to experience. We honor God when we trust in Him to build His church.
We are welcomed into the journey in this opportunity to walk with Him along with our brothers and sisters in Christ who also choose to jump in running when we heard Him calling our name! How exciting it will be to see what lies beyond the horizon! I look forward to learning about each other and discovering how their piece will be placed with one another.
I was hungry and you fed me; I was thirsty and you gave me water; I was a stranger and you invited me into your homes. (Matthew 25:35)
So far our green group consist of…
Scott Elliott
Tammie Elliott
Charolett Salo
Murrrel Veres
Mayerlin Challander
Leonie Rhodes
Mark Myhrer
Jeff Ruis
Sondra Ruis